History Of Plantation
Every places that we go have
their own history and same goes to Nira Nipah Kipli, we just find out several
information about it. On 1898, the year before the nipah plantation it was just
abandoned forest before it transfer to banana, papaya plantation. Next 2000,
the owner which is Kipli Bin Sulaiman, got a seed from Kedah, Perlis and his
starting plant as 300 for beginning. On 2005, the result of plantings increases
to 2K unit. At the year 2007 MADA (Lembaga Kemajuan Pertanian Muda) announce
Neera Nipah is one of the tourism agriculture product.At year 2009 assistance
received by Negeri Perlis worth RM 2000,000 include gazebo or known as wakaf,
workshop process of neera and electric power supply. At the year 2010,
assistance received by Program SDSI (Rumah Mesra Rakyat) worth RM 29,000